Fayum Oasis

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The Fayum oasis is separated from the Nile Valley by a relatively thin ridge and contains a large lake, called Birket Karun, around which the life in the area has always rotated. The vicinity of the depression to the Nile Valley seems to have made possible an artificial regulation of the level of the lake, and large monuments were built around its shore. Lahun and Hawara, on the ridge dividing the Fayum from the Valley, were chosen for the construction of two Pyramids, both of which are now in ruins.Fayum Oasis is a depression in the desert immediately to the west of the Nile south of Cairo. Much of its floor is fields watered by a channel of the Nile, the Bahr Yussef, as it drains into a desert depression to the west of the Nile Valley. Fayum Oasis is a depression in the desert immediately to the west of the Nile south of Cairo.
Shallalat El Fayum
El Fayum karun lake from the Nile Valley
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