The Nile

There is no better way to trace the course of Egyptian history than to follow the course of the Nile. Following it on the Escapade Nile cruises fleet, will make your journey an unforgettable experience.


Egyptians have always associated the River Nile with life, fertility and development. It has always been their source of prosperity, and was the main factor in building their great civilization.

The river Nile has been Egypt’s life vain for centuries, fertilizing the narrow strip of land along its banks with a deposit of silt after annual inundation. Along its length, Pharaohs and Nobles, have all built monuments and tombs to praise this sacred river providing them with wealth & richness.

The River Nile is considered to be the longest river in the world, as it flows for 6690 km, starting from the Great African lakes to the Mediterranean Sea.
On its journey it passes through nine different countries starting from Tanzania and ending with Egypt.
Cairo, Luxor, Aswan & Abu Simbel are among the most famous touristic cities located in the banks of the great river. From the deck of a modern Nile cruise ship or a lake Nasser vessel, you can experience and witness the glory of the Nile.

The earliest riverboats were made of papyrus stalks bound together. They were very light and could be carried easily. These boats were used by fishermen in their daily work. Later, boats were made of wood, and carried a single mast and a large square sail. Papyrus ropes were used for the rigging. Today, ships are built according to the measures & specifications of international safety bureaus, providing all aspects of luxury & comfort.


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